Collections and Library Services



The Nook


We are pleased to announce the availability of The Nook located in the library lobby for meetings or phone calls. This Nook provides a quiet and private setting for students and members of the UVA community with valid IDs.

Reservation Details:

  • The Nook can be reserved online or by using the QR code, which is posted on a sign outside the Nook.  You must be affiliated with UVA to place a reservation.
  • Reservations can be made for up to 2 hours per day, in 30-minute increments.
  • Each person is allowed one reservation per day.
  • If the Nook is unoccupied, it is available on a first-come, first-served basis. We recommend checking the reservation schedule before entering. We also recommend that you place a reservation anytime you are using the room.


  • Eligibility: Reserving the Nook is limited to UVA affiliates only.
  • Reservation Limits: The Nook may be reserved in 30-minute increments, up to a maximum of 2 hours per day.
  • First-Come, First-Served: When the Nook is not reserved, it is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Occupants without reservations must relinquish the Nook to those with scheduled reservations, which is why we recommend that you place a reservation anytime you are using the room.
  • Personal Belongings: The Library is not responsible for items left in the Nook. Items left unattended for longer than 30 minutes may be removed and taken to the Library's Lost and Found (located at the Service Desk).
  • Cleanliness: Nook users are responsible for cleaning up and ensuring the room is tidy before leaving.
  • Policy Violation: Violation of any Nook policy can result in termination of Nook privileges.

Thank you for your cooperation and consideration in maintaining this space.

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Claude Moore Health Sciences Library
1350 Jefferson Park Avenue P.O. Box 800722
Charlottesville, VA 22908 (Directions)

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