"EDIT: As of Jun 2024, PLOS is in the process of changing the way articles covered by institutional agreements are recognized in their submission platform (Editorial Manager).
For now, enter your affiliation as normal at submission and proceed without identifying yourself as part of an institutional agreement. This means you should say "no" to the question referring to institutional accounts. If you have correctly listed your institutional affiliation in the manuscript information section, the final quote you will see will be $0.00.
If you receive an invoice with an amount other than $0, please send it on to viva@gmu.edu and we will get it corrected. See more at https://vivalib.org/va/collections/plos.
The Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA), our state academic library consortium, has signed a two-year Flat Fee Agreement with the publisher PLOS, giving UVA and UVA Health authors the ability to publish in seven Open Access PLOS journals at no cost. Here are the details:
Publishing open access has many benefits, including the possibility of a higher citation count. Check out our full list of open access publishing agreements and contact us with any questions about the PLOS agreement or other open access publishing options.
Lucy Carr Jones
Research Data & Scholarly Communications Librarian