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Responsible Use of Computing Systems

Responsible Use

The Health Sciences Library provides computing services and resources for the University community with a special emphasis on Health System faculty, staff, and students. The services are provided to support the Health System's educational, research, and patient care missions. It is the responsibility of each individual faculty, staff, and student to ensure that these services are used in a responsible manner and in the spirit of the mission of the institution. It is also the responsibility of each individual to act in accordance with University and State policies and guidelines concerning obscene materials (Va. Code Section 18.2-372 and Va. Code Section 18.2-374) and use of computer games (Governor's Computer Games Directive, December 12, 1994). In summary, it is against state and University policy to facilitate use of obscene or lewd materials as well as use of computerized games. In accordance with its mission, the Library will respond to individual situations as needed and according to policy.

The University of Virginia has developed clear guidelines and policies for responsible computer use at the University (http://uvapolicy.virginia.edu/policy/IRM-002). As a state institution, the Health Sciences Library will enforce all policies in a responsible fashion that includes informing any individual of inappropriate use. Any willful and continued misuse of computer services will be considered a violation of University policies and will be handled according to the University's Standards of Conduct guidelines as described in the policy websites cited above.

University policies expressly limit use of University computing equipment by individuals not affiliated with the University except under circumstances considered public service. In this context, individuals not associated with the University may use the Library's Health Information Computers as guests of the Library to search the Library's catalog of materials and selected health care resources for information. Use of computers for general purpose activities such as word processing, Internet browsing, and e-mail is not permissible. As a courtesy, individuals at the University under special circumstances (such as family members of patients) may be allowed to make very limited use of computing equipment provided that this activity causes no disruption in the regular activities of the Library.