The Research Concierge Services is a resource provided by iTHRIV at no cost to research teams and easily accessible through the iTHRIV portal. These services are available through a centralized point of contact, which offers guidance and support to clinical and translational researchers at various stages of their projects and helps them navigate the complex landscape of research. Personalized assistance is provided by connecting research team members with the relevant resources, expertise, and tools necessary to advance their work.
Key features of iTHRIV Research Concierge Services include:
Overall, iTHRIV Research Concierge Services aim to facilitate and optimize the research experience for investigators, enabling them to focus on their scientific goals. The iTHRIV Research Concierge Services are available to connect UVA investigators with clinical and translational research services across Grounds. They can also help research teams understand and utilize UVA systems that support research operations, including:
Requesting Assistance
Visit the iTHRIV Research Concierge Portal and request a consult using the "Request Consult" under help menu once you are logged in.