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Dan Wilson is the former coordinator for the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM). In that role, coordinated a national NNLM emergency preparedness & response plan and facilitated several emergency preparedness & response summit meetings th

Always Ready

Disaster Planning for Libraries



Creating a One-Page Disaster Plan (This webinar defines and describes continuity of operations (COOP) planning and why it is important for libraries to have a continuity plan in case of emergencies.)
IS-100.C: Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS 100 (History, features, principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System.)
IS-700.B: Introduction to the National Incident Management System (NIMS): The National Incident Management System defines the comprehensive approach guiding the whole community - all levels of government, nongovernmental organizations (NGO), and the private sector - to work together seamlessly to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the effects of incidents
A Seat at the Table: Working with the Disaster Workforce (This course prepares librarians on how to work with first responders, including public safety, fire/rescue, public health department, local health care facilities, and emergency planners.)




Dan's Biography

Dan is the Deputy Director at the University of Virginia Health Sciences Library.  He was the Coordinator for the National Network/Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) National Emergency Preparedness & Response Initiative from 2007 to 2016, when he facilitated training programs and engagement opportunities around emergency preparedness for libraries, communities, CBHOs, and emergency planners.  Dan has worked with state library agencies in South Carolina, New Jersey, Montana, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia.
Dan is a co-author of the book, Library as Safe Haven: Disaster Planning, Response, and Recovery.  Excerpts from one of his chapters was featured in the July 2020 issue of American Libraries.  In addition, he was the creator of the National Library of Medicine CE course, In Case of Emergencies: Continuity of Operations (COOP) Planning.