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FAQ: How do I connect to UVA library resources from off-Grounds?




Electronic databases for which the Library pays a fee to vendors are restricted to our primary users (UVA faculty, staff, and students). The databases have various licensing constraints; some are explicitly restricted to our primary users.

Electronic access is not permitted to other users from outside of the University of Virginia. Non-UVA researchers are able to access online resources from within UVA library buildings.

Below are the ways primary users can access resources from off-grounds.

Ways to Connect

Library Website

To use the proxy to connect from off-Grounds:

  1. You must access the licensed resource from a library web page. Start at either HSL or any UVA Library homepage.
  2. When prompted for Netbadge, log in with your UVA computing ID and your Netbadge password.

UVA Anywhere - VPN

VPN provides authorized users with secure, authenticated access to restricted resources, some of which are limited to on-Grounds use.

  1. Click here to view instructions on how to download the UVA Anywhere VPN.
  2. For help with installation, please call the ITS Help Desk at: 434-924-4357.


  • For additional technical help with Netbadge ot setting up a VPN, contact the UVA ITS Help Desk at 434-924-4357.
  • For help with specific resources that don't seem to be working with proxy, contact the Health Sciences Library at Ask Us .
  • Note to Health System VPN users: Many journals and databases cannot be accessed through the Health System VPN connection. Use the methods described above for full access to UVa Library resources from outside the University.