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How do I find the h-index for an author?




To find your h-index, use Web of Science and perform an Author Search, view the Citation Report. Note that producing an accurate h-index depends on having a complete list of author publications.


If you are UVA School of Medicine faculty, contact the Health Sciences Library. A project team can assist with your h-index calculation via the Web of Science. Contact hsl-rdas@virginia.edu to make a request.

The h-index is a measure to characterize the scientific output of a researcher. The value of h is equal to the number of papers (N) that have N or more citations. The h-index was developed by J.E. Hirsch and published in PNAS in November 2005.

Step by Step

  1. On the Library's homepage, locate the Top Resources column, then select Web of Science.
  2. Click on the Researchers tab in the middle of the screen:

  3. Keep Name Search selected, and enter the Last Name and First Name and Middle Initial(s) in the boxes as directed and click Search:

  4. You'll now be on a screen that displays possible Author Records for this author. Use the checkboxes to select any that represent the author of interest and click View as combined record:

  5. The combined record will include Metrics information to the right, including an h-index (see below). We recommend reviewing the publications used to create this metric: you will want to make sure that all of the author's publications are included, and, there are no incorrect publications included (e.g. by another FS Collins that is not Francis).

    You can do this through the citation report (see A below) or, the Web of Science set of results (see B), by choosing the corresponding buttons on the results page:

  6. The Citation Report will only let you remove citations to modify the list of publications. Do so by using the - button to the left of the citation:

  7. The results set will let you review the citations. A method to create a final, correct list is to add correct citations to the Marked List (50 at a time) (see below). You then can return to the Web of Science Search screen to perform additional searches if necessary, e.g. by alternative names, ORCID ID, or PMIDs, and add those results to the Marked List as well to get to a final, accurate list of all the author's publications

  8. Access the Marked List from the top of any Web of Science screen. From there, click on Citation Report from the right to get to the Citation Report page for just the articles you've selected as belonging to the author of interest.



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