How do I find the Journal Impact Factor, category, rank for a journal?




UVA and UVA Health faculty, staff and students can use the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) to locate Journal Impact Factors. The Impact Factor is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. The JCR also lists journals and their impact factors and ranking in the context of their specific field(s).

NOTE: if you are affiliated with UVA Health, the Library can generate a report with Times Cited, Journal Category, and Journal Rank data for Promotion and Tenure publication lists. This saves a great deal of time on this process. To get help, Ask Us to consult with a librarian, or email hsl-rdas@virginia.edu.

Step by Step

NOTE! Are you looking for both Times Cited and Impact Factors? See our guide on Finding Times Cited, Impact Factors, Journal Category and Rank.

Find Impact Factor, Category, and Rank for the Current Year

  1. To view the Impact Factors

  2. On the Library's Home page, click on the Journal Citations Report link under Top Resources.

  3. Type the journal name in the search box. Note that most searches work, but occasionally errors occur, e.g. typing in "Bone and Joint Journal" does not retrieve the journal Bone & Joint journal, so you may need to try typing just the first word in your journal name.

  4. A list of matching names will appear after you type. Click on the correct journal title from the list that appears (see below):

  5. You will be taken to the Journal Profile for that journal. While the top section displays the category/ies on the right, we will perform another step (step 8) to see the categories and rank:


  6. Scroll down to Journal Impact Factor to see the current impact factor:


  7. To view the Categories and Rank, scroll down to Rank by Journal Impact Factor (see below)IMPORTANT: use the purple dots to move forward to the next page to see all the different categories

Find Impact Factor, Category, and Rank for Previous Years

  1. After searching for your journal title (see above), from the journal profile page, click on the down-arrow under JCR YEAR:

  2. From the menu, click on All Years:

  3. Scroll down to see the table of data per year. The Journal Impact Factor is in the second column:



Additional assistance is available to UVA Health System faculty, staff, and students. Just Ask Us - we are happy to provide help via email, Zoom, phone, or in-person.

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