Clinical Resources



What Can the Library Do for Nurses?

Literature Searching: Need help with a search? Whether it's patient care, quality improvement, protocol updates, or even journal club, we're here to help. Group and/or one-on-one instruction is available.

Evidence Based Practice: We'll help you formulate questions, find appraisal tools, update protocols, select journal club articles, and find/use POC tools. 

Data @ HSL: Get individualized help with data! Workshops available for all levels of learners.

Articles: Get help locating full-text. 

Citation Management: We'll help you find the right tool for your needs. 

Nurse Residency Program

Need help with your final project? Want more info on EBP?

You might ask...

  • How do I find the answer to a clinical question? Check out our point-of-care tools. On the left hand side, click "Tools" to see a list. If you get stuck, please email me
  • How do I search the literature? Email me for individualized support.
  • Can you help me with data? Visit our data services website to learn more.
  • Which citation manager should I use? Fill out a consult form and we'll help find the right fit for you.
  • I don't know where to start. Help?! We understand! Take a step in the right direction by filling out the consult form and we'll reach out to you.
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Claude Moore Health Sciences Library
1350 Jefferson Park Avenue P.O. Box 800722
Charlottesville, VA 22908 (Directions)

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