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School of Nursing Librarian

Amanda Datesman



Tulane University, BA, Latin and ancient Greek

Piedmont Virginia Community College, ADN, Nursing

James Madison University, BSN, Nursing

University of North Carolina at Greensboro, MLIS, Library and Information Science


Areas of scholarly Interest:

Librarian involvement in DNP education, the nurse's role in combating health misinformation, evidence-based practice education, information-seeking behaviors of clinicians

Academic Appointments:

Lecturer in Nursing, UVA School of Nursing

University Service:

  • HSL Strategic Arc "Best Place to Work" Committee
  • HSL Mission Team
  • HSL Collections Committee
  • HSL Marketing Committee
  • School of Nursing Curriculum Redesign/CTE Team



What's new?

The Citation and Review Management Resources page of this guide has been broken down into two subpages, Zotero and Covidence.

Our library instructional session calendar has been updated for the fall semester, including courses in Zotero, Python, R, and much more.