On March 18th, the Health Sciences Library hosted thirty-five students from the University of Virginia Architecture School. Under the guidance of their course instructors, these students will be developing design plans to assist in the space planning efforts at the Health Sciences Library.  The event included a presentation of space planning survey results over the past year and a tour of the library's 2nd floor space, which is the scope of the project. Plenty of food and refreshments were available to show the library's appreciation for the students.

On April 8th and 10th, the students will showcase their original drawings at the Health Sciences Library.  This event will provide library patrons the opportunity to provide feedback.  The final drawings will be presented on Aprill 24th and 29th.  These final drawings, along with the insights gained from patron feedback, will play an important role in guiding the library's strategic planning team's decisions regarding space utilization at the Health Sciences Library.

Pictured below are the Architecture students, their course instructor, Dr. Elgin Cleckley, Kyle Bowman, HSL Administration Manager and chair of the HSL Strategic Planning Space Arc, and Tricia Roche, HSL Access Services Manager and the event organizer.