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profile-icon Kimberley Barker
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(This post was written by Andrea Denton, and edited by Kimberley R. Barker)

This post was edited on May 25, 2022, with the following:

As we get closer to January 2023, NIH has shared additional resources to provide support for its new Data Management and Sharing Policy. The NIH Scientific Data Sharing website serves as a central location to access resources about the DMS Policy and similar policies such as the Genomic Data Sharing Policy.

The site features an Overview of what is expected of investigators under the 2023 policy, information on writing a Data Management and Sharing Plan, and FAQs about the new policy. The site is evolving with new information so check back frequently for updates.

Health Sciences Library staff members are discussing support for investigators, especially around the data description and the data deposit elements of the plan and are beginning conversations with other grant support staff at UVA. Stay tuned as we learn more about the plan and how we can best serve our community.

The original post begins here:

The National Institutes of Health’s role in furthering biomedical discovery through its funded and NIH-based research is unparalleled. Recently, the NIH has focused on not only the production of scientific research, but also the sharing of these discoveries. Its Public Access Policy (enacted in 2008) requires that research papers arising from NIH funding be made available to the public, has resulted in the dissemination of thousands of scientific journal articles, benefiting not only other researchers but also members of the public. The newest action by NIH to further scientific discovery is the release of its Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS Policy) last month. NIH leaders realized that while the sharing of research results through an article’s text and figures is impactful, the sharing of the data behind these results could significantly further biomedical research by enabling the validation of results and additional discovery through data re-use and re-interpretation.

What Will It Mean for Researchers?

Beginning in January 2023, the Policy will require that NIH grant applications include a narrative section (maximum two pages) describing the applicant’s plan to manage and share data related to the funded research. Management steps include describing the data (e.g. through documentation like a data dictionary), and indicating what tools, software and/or code is needed to access or interpret those data. Sharing considerations include indicating where to share the data (e.g. an online repository) and any conditions around access and re-use, such as a data use agreement.

NIH recognizes the shift in culture and practice around this policy, hence the two year implementation period. It has provided details on the elements of a data management and sharing plan for guidance, as well as allowable costs that can be written into a grant budget to accomplish the plan.

What’s Next?

As we lead up to formal implementation of the policy, researchers can begin to think about the steps around good data management such as file naming, documentation and metadata, and accepted standards around description and file formats that will ultimately become part of a DMS plan for new grant applications. Similarly, strategies for sharing data can be explored, including investigating data repositories.

Fortunately, our Research & Data Services librarians are well-versed in data management and sharing practices, and will be here to help before the policy goes into effect in 2023. We’ll continue to educate ourselves and our grant-seekers on approaches and resources to efficiently create impactful data management and sharing plans, and provide expert guidance when needed.


Do you have questions or would you like to learn more about the Library's Research and Data Services Department? Contact Andrea H. Denton, Research & Data Services Manager at ash6b@virginia.edu

Further Reading
NIH Releases New Policy for Data Management and Sharing - Carrie D. Wolinetz, NIH Associate Director for Science Policy

Fostering a Culture of Scientific Data Stewardship – Jerry Sheehan, Deputy Director, National Library of Medicine


profile-icon Kimberley Barker
No Subjects

(The MILL, photographed in 2017)

In its continuing efforts to support
the mission of UVA Health, the Library will expand its 24-hour space access beginning on Monday, December 21, 2020  and continuing as long as the need exists.

While the availability of a COVID-19 vaccine is an incredibly welcome development, the logistics of administering it at UVA Health mean that some employees and students have temporarily lost access to available spaces. In response, the Library has temporarily expanded its 24-hour space to provide them with additional work, study, eating, and meeting location options; whereas the 24-hour space had been limited to the space to the right of the lobby, the entire Library (with the exception of the Cabell Room) is now accessible 24-hours per day for those with UVA Health access badges. This includes:


  • the main lobby; badge access has been enabled on the doors of the Library’s main entrance, providing an additional way to enter and exit
  • the MILL, Carter classroom, Tolleson classroom, and room 1212; these spaces have been prioritized for the General Medical Education program
  • the 13 study rooms located in the MILL; now reservable 24 hours/day, their use is prioritized for the School of Medicine
  • the large quiet study area located over JPA and the six small study rooms within that space

Please note that, while access to the space has been expanded, the hours of staffed service have not, remaining
8:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M., Monday- Friday due to budget mitigation.

In order to help ensure the safety of its patrons at night and on weekends, the Library has reached out to UVA’s Director of Security, Tony Frazier, to request that Security staff members regularly walk through the expanded 24-hours space. The Library asks that patrons please make sure to display their UVA Health badge, as well as continue to wear a mask and maintain physical distancing.

If you have questions or feedback about the expansion of 24-hour access specifically, or about Library space in general, please contact Dan Wilson, Associate Director for Collections & Library Services: DanWilson@virginia.edu.

profile-icon Kimberley Barker
No Subjects

Due to funding reductions brought about by the financial impacts of COVID-19, the Health Sciences Library is faced with a budget reduction of nearly 23%.  After careful deliberation, substantial cuts have been made in both personnel and collections.  Personnel cuts have resulted in open positions remaining unfilled and fewer Library open hours; the collection impacts have resulted in preliminary subscription losses described here and an additional loss described below. Namely: 

the Library will not be able to continue access to all of the JoVE collections to which it has subscribed for the past few years. While the Library will maintain its subscription to JoVE Biology, it will not renew the following collections: 

JoVE Medicine 

JoVE Neuroscience 

JoVE Bioengineering 

JoVE Developmental Biology 

JoVE Genetics 

JoVE Immunology and Infection 

Access to the above collections will be rescinded on January, 1, 2021. 

Please visit our HSL Collections Transparency Dashboard to review the complete list of cancelled titles and the dates for which access will end.  All cancellation decisions were based on usage, cost, and the impact of the resource to its discipline.  Feedback from our constituents also factored in the decisions.   

The Library regrets the loss of these subscriptions for our patrons and remains committed to providing access to scholarly resources needed to support exemplary patient care, education, and research at UVA Health.  We hope that we will be able to restore resources when we return to a more favorable budget climate.  In the meantime, we will make every effort to connect you with the resources that you need, when and where you need them. 

For questions or feedback, please contact Abbey Heflin, Manager of Collections and Resource Strategy (aeh6m@virginia.edu). 

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