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Healthcare and the LGBTQIA+ Community

Information for Patients


Resources and Referral List- Virginia Department of Health Transgender Health Services 

GLMA- Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ Equality (previously known as the Gay & Lesbian Medical Association) is a national organization committed to ensuring health equity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) and all sexual and gender minority (SGM) individuals, and equality for LGBTQ/SGM health professionals in their work and learning environments.  To achieve this mission, GLMA utilizes the scientific expertise of its diverse multidisciplinary membership to inform and drive advocacy, education, and research."


The Trans Accessible Library Initiative LibGuide from the University of North Texas's University Libraries is excellent, providing many helpful resources. This section is devoted to medical resources.

The Foley Library (Gonzaga University) also has an excellent LGBTQIA+ Health LibGuide with many patient resources.