Citing Images
Citing the images you use is always good practice! Some images will say that they are free to use, even commercially, as long as you give credit to the source. To site an image properly, follow the example below:
Artist's last name, artist’s initials. (Year). Title of work. Retrieved from {Name of database}.
Asking Permission
Sometimes an image will be listed as copyright protected with the owners contact information. If you really like the image, contact them and ask if you can use it! They will want to gather some information form you, including how you plan on using the image. They may even have a couple requirements of their own for you to do so, such as cite the source.
Just make sure that you receive something in writing from them, like an email, saying that it is ok to use the image. Keep this on file as long as you are using the image.
This page is meant to be a guide to help you find healthcare and biomedical images.
Below is a list of resources for teaching, presentations, and patient education. Some are copyright free, while others have usage agreements. See the descriptions following each link for where to find copyright information.