The primary goal of the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library is to provide excellent healthcare information systems and services to support the University of Virginia Health System's patient care, teaching, and research programs. In addition, the Library serves as a resource for biomedical information for the community, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the nation as a member of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.
This document addresses the Library's policies and activities as they specifically relate to its services to the user community and does not address internal operations per se. All internal operations are conducted in accordance to University and state administrative and management policies as well as guidelines governing management of materials and services.
All Library transactions and records relating to users are considered confidential and the Library will make all reasonable efforts to protect the security of these records. These records include, but are not necessarily limited to, circulation transactions, online search requests, document delivery and photocopy services, patron records, public access online searching, and reference service. All Library staff are trained to protect confidentiality of user information and policies are in place to handle any inquiries for Library data from law enforcement agencies.