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Amanda Greenwood



In her role as the Archivist of Historical Collections at the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library at the University of Virginia, Amanda Greenwood manages the preservation of physical and born-digital collections with the goal of improving discoverability and accessibility. Her writings and research interests focus on trauma and emotions in archival work; web archiving labor, sustainability, and maintenance; digital projects; and the intersection of postcolonialism and masculinity in the works of James Joyce.


Areas of Interest

Primary source research and instruction; web archives; digital collections and projects; preservation, conservation, and collection management of photographs, artifacts, manuscripts, archival records, rare books, and early-printed books; and exhibit curation.


Education and Certifications

MSIS, Archives and Records Administration, University at Albany, SUNY

ALM, English (Extension Studies), Harvard University

BA, English, University at Albany, SUNY

Certified Archivist, Academy of Certified Archivists

Certificate in Digital Curation, Library Juice Academy (Completed by December 1, 2024)


(Forthcoming) Greenwood, A. "‘Singing of These Losses in My Life’: A Qualitative Study Examining the Challenging Emotional Responses of Archival Donors,” in A Practical Guidebook to Trauma Informed Archival Practice: Best Practices and Case Studies, edited by Michelle Ganz and Veronica Denison, Rowman and Littlefield, 2024. 

(Forthcoming) Greenwood, A, and Monger J. “‘Think You're Escaping and Run into Yourself’: Emotion, Trauma, and the Personal in the Archival Record,” in A Practical Guidebook to Trauma Informed Archival Practice: Best Practices and Case Studies, edited by Michelle Ganz and Veronica Denison, Rowman and Littlefield, 2024.

Greenwood, A. “Building Bridges between Past and Future: Reflections on John Fleckner's 'The Paradox of Change and Continuity',” The American Archivist Reviews Portal (2023). 

Fried, R., Greenwood, A., and Chatnik, C.“Cross-functional Workflows for Digital Projects in a Small Academic Library: A Case Study.” Journal of Digital Media Management, 11, no. 4 (2023): 368-382. 

 Greenwood, A. “The Birth and Death of the Author: A Multi-Authored History of Authorship in Print,” James Joyce Quarterly, 60, 1-2 (Fall 2022-Winter 2023): 202-204. 

Greenwood, A. “The Past Web: Exploring Web Archives,” The American Archivist, 85, no. 2 (Fall/Winter 2022): 717-720. 

Greenwood, A. “The Archiving of COVID-19: A Historical Literature Review,” The American Archivist, 85, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2022): 288-311. 

 Greenwood, A. "The Adulthood Crisis of Societal Role Conformity in 'A Little Cloud'." James Joyce Journal, 22, ii (2016): 9-22. 

Greenwood, A. "Deviant Sexuality and Positive Outcomes in Ulysses and 'The Waste Land'." James Joyce Journal, 19, ii (2013): 183-98. 

Greenwood, A. "The Adolescent Crisis of Identity in James Joyce’s Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man." James Joyce Journal, 19, i (2013): 67-87. 

Greenwood, A. "The Crisis of Control in James Joyce’s Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man." James Joyce Journal, 18, ii (2012): 39-60. 

Conference Proceedings and Talks

(Forthcoming) Greenwood, A. "Revitalizing a Web Archives Program as a Solo Archivist." Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) Symposium, November 21, 2024. 

(Forthcoming) Greenwood, A. "Mi Admiracion y Respeto: An Exhibit Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month." Virtual Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC), November 15, 2024.

(Forthcoming) Chatnik, C., and Greenwood, A. "Webjam: A Web Archiving Jamboree." Virtual DLF Forum, October 22-23, 2024.

Greenwood, A. ""From Vesalius to Ear Trumpets: Exploring Medical Archives through Department Tours." Society of American Archivists Science, Technology, and Health Care Section Annual Section Meeting. July 30, 2024. 

Greenwood, A. "Triple A Talk on Reappraisal and Deaccessioning." Society of American Archivists Accessioning, Acquisitions, & Appraisal Section Roundtable. May 9, 2024. 

Greenwood, A. "The Truth of Archival Trauma in Theory and Practice." University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies. April 11, 2024. 

Greenwood, A. "What a Tangled Web We Weave: A Case Study of Web Archiving, Web Crawling, and Web Appraisal." University at Albany, SUNY College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity. April 1, 2024. 

Greenwood, A. "Reappraisal and Deaccessioning: A Practical Case Study." University at Albany, SUNY College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity. March 26, 2024. 

Fried, R., Greenwood, A., and Chatnik, C. “A Cross-Functional Team Approach to Digital Projects.” Presentation at the Digital Library Federation (DLF) Forum, St. Louis, Missouri, November 13-15, 2023. 

Greenwood, A., Fried, R., and Chatnik, C. “A Community Approach to Transcribing the Jane Bigelow Diaries.” Presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC), October 20, 2023. 

Greenwood, A. “’You Can’t Always Get What You Want’: A Complex Tale of Appraisal in Web Archives.” Presentation at the Boston Library Consortium Web Archiving Community of Interest, Virtual Meeting, September 28, 2023. 

Greenwood, A., Paterson, S., Fischbach, A., and Chatnik, C. “Ethical Stewardship and Trauma in Archival Work.” Session at the Society of American Archivists ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2023 Conference, Virtual Conference, July 27, 2023. 

Cary, A.C., Hung, E., and Greenwood, A. “Conversation Lounge: American Archivist Editorial Board.” Session at the Society of American Archivists ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2023 Conference, Virtual Conference, July 28, 2023.

Greenwood, A. “It Takes a Village: Crowdsourcing Transcription of the Jane Bigelow Diaries at Union College.” Presentation at the New York Archives Conference (NYAC), Virtual Conference, June 16, 2023. 

Wiedeman, G., and Greenwood, A. “Unsustainability and Retrenchment in American University Web Archives Programs.” Presentation at the International Internet Preservation Consortium Web Archiving Conference (IIPCWAC), Hilversum, Netherlands, May 12, 2023. 

Greenwood, A., and Fried, R. “Implementing Large-Scale Digitization Projects using Undergraduate Students.” Poster presentation at the Central New York Library Resources Council (CLRC) Conference, Virtual Conference, October 17, 2022. 

Greenwood, A., and Fried, R. “How We're Digitizing 22,000 Letters: Challenges and Opportunities.” Presentation at the Digital Library Federation (DLF) Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, October 10, 2022. 

Greenwood, A. “A Qualitative Study Examining the Challenging Emotional Responses of Archival Donors.” Presentation at the Society of American Archivists Research Forum, Virtual Conference, August 10, 2022. 

Greenwood, A. “How the Pandemic Challenged Graduate-level Hands-on Learning.” Presentation at the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS): What now? Reflection, Reckoning, and Recovery Conference, Virtual Conference, June 22, 2022. 

Greenwood, A. “Social Justice and Critical Librarianship Initiatives in Academic Libraries.” Poster presentation at the Central NY Library Resources Council (CLRC) Conference, Virtual Conference, October 22, 2021. 

Wiedeman, G., and Greenwood, A. “Web Archives Maintenance Inflation.” Presentation at the Archive-It Partner Meeting, Virtual Conference, September 29, 2021. 

Greenwood, A. “Immortalized Trauma: The Emotional Impact of Archival Work.” Poster presentation at the Society of American Archivists ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2021 Conference, Virtual Conference, August 2-6, 2021. 

Greenwood, A. “Web Archiving and Collective Memory.” Presentation at the Students and New Archival Professional Section of the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference, July 20, 2021. 

Greenwood, A. “The Digital Archiving of COVID-19.” Presentation at the New York Archives Conference, Virtual Conference, June 10-12, 2021.     

Greenwood, A. "The Importance of Web Archiving, Web Crawling, and Web Appraisal.” Presentation at the New York Archives Conference, Virtual Conference, June 10-12, 2021. 

Greenwood, A. “James Joyce Session.” Panel leader at The Korean Society of British and American Fiction Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2014. 

Greenwood, A. "Deviant Sexuality and Positive Outcomes in Ulysses and ‘The Waste Land.’” Paper presentation at The English Language and Literature Association of Korea Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 7-9, 2013. 

Greenwood, A. “The Crisis of Control in Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.” Paper presentation at the 5th International James Joyce Conference, Gwangju, Korea, November 10-11, 2012.

Blog, Magazine, and Newsletter Contributions

Greenwood, A. "Finding Web Archiving Support through a Virtual Community Co-working Space." Society of American Archivists Web Archiving Section Blog. (August 28, 2024). 

Hering, K., Greenwood, A., and Brown, B. “The American Archivist’s Hidden Content Project.” Archival Outlook. (September/October 2023): 12 & 30.

Greenwood, A., and Hung, E. “A Digital Odyssey: Lessons from the 2023 American Archivist Readership Survey.” Archival Outlook (July/August 2023): 15 & 18.

Greenwood, A. “Unearthing Treasures.” New York State Archives Magazine, 22, no. 3 (Winter 2023): 8-10.

Greenwood, A. “The John Bigelow Papers at Union College.” Capital Area Archivists of New York Newsletter, (Fall/Winter 2022-2023).

Greenwood, A. “A Most Distinguished Citizen: Union College’s John Bigelow Papers.” Midwest Archives Conference Newsletter, 49, no. 4 (April 2022).

Greenwood, A. “Bloomsday in the Land of the Morning Calm.” James Joyce Reading Circle, (March 24, 2022).

Greenwood, A. “Learning How to Web Archive: A Graduate Student Perspective.” Society of American Archivists Web Archiving Section Blog, (February 2022).

Greenwood, A. “Collective Memory, Responsibility, and Web Archiving.” M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives Blog, (May 11, 2021).

Greenwood, A. “Web Archiving in the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives.” University at Albany Libraries Online Newsletter, (Spring 2021).

Professional Service

ArchivesSpace Governance Group, User Advisory Council Member, 2024-Present

American Archivist Editorial Board, Member and Hidden Content Project Liaison, 2023-Present

Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies, Peer Reviewer, 2023-Present

Capital Area Archivists of New York, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, 2022-2024

Society of American Archivists, Web Archiving Section Education Coordinator, 2021-2024


University Service

University of Virginia

  • ArchivesSpace Committee Member, UVA Libraries
  • Cultural Heritage Collective, UVA Libraries

Claude Moore Health Sciences Library

  • Collections Communications Committee Member
  • Marketing Committee Member
  • Strategic Arcs Committee Member
    • Discoverability and Visibility Arc
  • Website Redesign Sub-committee Member