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What is ORCID?

What is ORCID?

ORCID (pronounced OR-kid) stands for Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier. ORCID is a persistent digital identifier for individuals and your ORCID profile is a a living record of your career, including publications, peer review activity, grants, employment history, and education.

Why should I get an ORCID?

  • Your ORCID stays with you throughout your career, even if you change institutions
  • It saves you time creating publication lists for your CV or funding applications
  • ORCID profiles are easily found by search engines and can help increase your visibility as a researcher
  • ORCID eliminates name ambiguity, so you will not be confused with other researchers
  • NIH's expectations for applications and progress reports effective May 25, 2025, including the requirement that Senior and Key Personnel use an Open Researcher and Contributor Identification digital identifier (ORCID ID). See the recently released Guide Notice with additional information.

How do I get an ORCID?

Where can I use an ORCID?

  • Journal publishers including PLOS, Science, and Springer Nature require authors to submit an ORCID during the publishing process.
  • Preprint servers like bioRxiv and arXiv allow ORCID submittal so preprints will appear on your ORCID as well
  • NIH, AHRQ, and CDC require individuals supported by research training, fellowship, research education and career development awards (e.g. T, K and F Awards), to have ORCIDs.
  • You can use your ORCID to populate your NIH SciENcv biosketch or link your ORCID to your eRA Commons personal profile
  • If you connect your ORCID to LibraOpen, any works you deposit there will also be visible on your ORCID (if you make them public)

What if I have more than one ORCID?

Add Publications to Your ORCID

There are many ways to populate your ORCID profile with your publications (which ORCID calls works):

  1. Import articles through Europe PMC, a life sciences literature database which includes content from PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), Agricola, and 24 life science preprint servers. If your articles are available from these sources, this is the easiest ORCID import method.
  2. Import articles linked to your Scopus ID, Web of Science Researcher ID or other identifiers using ORCID's Search & Link feature.
  3. Add works using by their identifiers (such as PubMed IDs or article DOIs) using this guide from ORCID.
  4. ORCID strongly recommends that you employ options #1 or #2 in order to reduce or eliminate data errors and enable reliable links between your ORCID and your works. However, if those methods don't work, you can export citations from your Google Scholar profile and upload them to ORCID:
    1. Go to your Google Scholar profile page. Select all or specific articles in your profile. This will display the Export button.    arrow pointing at Export BibTex option on Google Scholar profile
    2. Select BibTeX for the list or export formats
    3. Save the BibTeX file by right-clicking on the page and selecting Save as
    4. Upload the file to ORCID using these instructions.