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Zoom User Group Blog

Zoom FAQs & Training

How To Stream a Zoom Meeting To Youtube

How Do I Live Stream a Zoom Meeting To YouTube?

Answer: Configure a YouTube Live Event and use those YouTube live event setting in your chosen meeting.

(NOTE: Watch a video training for this task here: https://bit.ly/moodyzoomls

1. Login to your Zoom settings, https://virginia.zoom.us/profile/setting ,   and enable "Allow live streaming meetings" > "Custom Live Streaming Service.


2. Login to YouTube and choose "Create > Go Live".
select Go Live

3. Setup your new stream as:

  • Public
  • Not made for kids (to allow the youtube chat feature)

4. Copy the Stream key, Stream URL, and Live streaming page URL into the desired Zoom Meeting.

5. Start the Zoom Meeting and choose "...more" > "Live on Custom Live Streaming Service"

6. Login to YouTube Studio > Manage, and open your pre-configured live event.


7. Manage YouTube chat in the live event page.


How To Assign Zoom Schedulers To Your Account

How Do I Assign Zoom Schedulers To Your Zoom Account?

Answer: Add your schedulers' emails in your Zoom settings

(NOTE: to watch a video of this training go here: https://bit.ly/zoomscheduling )

1. Login in to your Zoom settings, https://virginia.zoom.us/profile/setting

2. Under Schedule Privilege choose the + icon and add Zoom schedulers as needed.

How To Record & Share A Meeting

How Do I Record A Meeting And Then Share It?

Answer: when the meeting is started, click "cloud recording". After the meeting obtain your cloud recording link and share it.

(NOTE: to watch a video tutorial, click here: https://bit.ly/moodyzoomrec )

  1. Set the following Zoom settings, https://virginia.zoom.us/profile/setting?tab=recording :
    • Enable "Recording Consent" to let participants know when you are recording.
    • Enable "Audio Transcripts" to allow for automatically generated transcripts. 
  2. During your meeting select record to cloud
  3. After the meeting visit your Zoom recordings page at https://virginia.zoom.us/recording and obtain the Share link for the recording.
  4. Share the link as needed


How To Setup a Teaching Zoom Environment

Setting Up For Small Group Teaching

In today's Zoom class we demonstrated the recommended teacher's layout for small group teaching using Zoom as shown below as follows:

  1. Choose "Gallery View" so you can immediately see who is talking and your group.
  2. Popout your "Participants" window and place it on the side so, you can quickly see responses to "yes" and "no" questions or student hand raises.
  3. Popout your chat window and also put it on the side so you can watch chat.
  4. If you have a second screen share the second screen for your presentations.


This arrangement works very well for classes with no more than 20 students.

Setting Up For Large Group Teaching

When teaching large groups it is recommended to have a co-host help you so you can focus on teaching and not managing participants by having the co-host do the following:

  1. Monitor the chat and alert you when there are questions the co-host can't answer.
  2. Optionally if you prefer to address the chats then consider having the co-host advance through your PowerPoint slides using the old school "Next Slide Please" verbal command to your co-host.


To watch Part One of a four-part series on teaching with Zoom go here to view, Zoom Link To Recording.

To get the PPT used in the training go here: https://bit.ly/FDZoomPPT-part1

To view the writeup on the Zoom User's blog go here: https://guides.hsl.virginia.edu/zoom-group/faq#s-lg-box-24133488

How To Use Breakout Rooms For Events

One Plausible Event Scenario Using Zoom

This user group modeled and discussed a recommendation for using Zoom to manage a workshop or conference type of event as seen in this Zoom recording, https://virginia.box.com/s/tyse2kthrvlllzek7ha50myucd1tmexq. A high-level diagram of the event model tested was as follows:


This diagramed Zoom managed event pattern considers the following parameters:

  1. The attendees register for conference tracks and are pre-assigned to those track breakout rooms using the Zoom CSV bulk assignment upload process.
  2. The attendees do not move around to different track breakout rooms, each attendee stays in their registered track breakout room.
  3. The speakers rotate to different track breakout rooms as required instead of attendees moving around.
  4. This pattern requires that the host stays in the "Main Room" to manage sending attendees to breakout rooms. Note: there will always be a few people that fall through cracks during the pre-assigned process and will need to be assigned or sent to breakout rooms manually.

Watch the recording here:
