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This guide focuses on the effects that climate change has on health and healthcare.

Climate Change and Healthcare

Climate Change Indicators

Climate Change Indicators

•Glacier and sea ice melt- Increases sea level

-Causes change in precipitation --> Affects the amount of groundwater and surface water


•Causes flooding- threatens coastal communities and infrastructure

•Determines which plants and animals can live in an area

•Global temperature

•Surface temperatures have risen at a rate of 0.15 every decade since 1901

•Rising sea temperatures

•Oceans absorb more than 90% of heat trapped in atmosphere

•Affects marine ecosystems, breeding, and migration of marine species

•Can lead to higher precipitation, tropical cyclones, and drought

Resources are continually updated, with the most recently-published placed at the top.

The Science of Climate Change Explained: Facts, Evidence and Proof- New York Times. Updated November 2, 2021.

Resources are continually updated, with the most recently-published placed at the top.