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How do I obtain Times Cited and Journal Category and Rank for SOM Promotion and Tenure?




UVA Health faculty, including School of Medicine and School of Nursing, can use Health Sciences Library services and databases to retrieve necessary information for your Papers Published or In Press section of your CV for Promotion and Tenure. This service is not available for those not affiliated with UVA. See the following for instructions on how to obtain Times Cited, Category, and Rank data for each article.

We can also help with other metrics for promotion and tenure such as news or social media mentions to your published articles/and or links to your mentions in popular media, such as news stories.

Step by Step

ASK US: the Library can generate a report citation data as directed by SOM Promotion and Tenure, namely Times Cited, Journal Category and Rank. This saves a great deal of time on this process. To request a report, email a list of publications to hsl-rdas@virginia.edu or Ask Us at left. Please note we can provide this service once per cycle.

If you'd like to retrieve this information yourself, follow these steps:

Times Cited Data

  1. Select Web of Science from the Library home page list of Top Resources.
  2. The default search is the Web of Science Core Collection. You may wish to change to All Databases which will occasionally result in a greater times cited count.

  3. Choose Title from the drop-down menu to search for a specific article. Searching the Documents database (as shown) typically works well for newer articles. 

  4. Enter the article title and click on Search:

  5. From the Results page, see the Citations to the right of the title. This is the count of Times Cited.

  6. To get the Journal Rank and Categor(ies), click on the name of the journal:

  7. A pop-up window (see below) will appear with the Journal Category/ies and Rank(s) for the most recent edition available. The SOM the P&T guidelines suggest this wording for including the category/rank after each citation on your CV:
    Rank 50 of 143 in Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems, Rank 21 of 66 in Respiratory System, Rank 28 of 213 in Surgery (2021).

    If your journal title is not underlined (no pop-up), you should double-check the Journal Citation Report database (official source of Category, and Rank data) for that journal. See instructions here.

    Note: while the current Category/Rank data are not an exact match to the data from the year of publication of your article, it is acceptable to use these figures in your CV. If you would like to use the Category/Rank data from the year of publication, follow the guide here.
  8. You may also perform an Author search on the main Web of Science page to retrieve multiple articles by that author, and proceed as above for each article to find times cited and Category/Rank data.

More Help

  1. To double-check Journal Rank data, see "How do I search for Impact Factor and rank for a journal?"
  2. To determine if a publication is peer-reviewed, consult the library's subscription to Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory. Search the journal by name, then look for the "refereed" symbol next to the name to indicate it is refereed, aka peer reviewed:



Additional assistance is available to UVA Health System faculty, staff, and students. Just Ask Us - we are happy to provide help via email, Zoom, phone, or in-person.