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Room Reservations

Space Policies

Library Space and Classroom Policies

Faculty, staff, and students affiliated with UVA Health may reserve library spaces and classrooms for purposes that support the mission of the health system. 

Rooms are intended for scheduled meetings or other group-related activities.  They may not be used as a substitute for regular office space.  The library reserves the right to make a determination if reservations are consistent with the intended use.

Patrons using rooms without a reservation should check the reservation screen and note the time when a room needs to be vacated. Reservations will always receive priority. It is encouraged for all users to make a reservation for the room they are using.

Rooms not used within 15 minutes of the scheduled reservation start-time are considered vacant and will be available to others on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

First Floor Rooms: These classrooms were designed to support the educational mission of the SOM. SOM receives first priority for reservations. If no reservations have been made, others may reserve these rooms up to 2 months in advance.

Individuals or groups may reserve rooms for a maximum of 4 hours per day. Exceptions can be requested by filling out the Reservation Request Form, at the Service Desk or by calling 434-924-5444.

Patrons already in the library can make first-floor meeting room reservations at the Service Desk or by using the Self-Reservation screen located outside each room.

Food and drink for personal consumption are allowed, but please properly dispose of trash.

Recurring Room Reservations:  Recurring reservations are submitted via our online Reservation Request Form and are processed in the order they are received. Reservations can not be made longer than 6 months in advance.

Whenever possible, we will honor requests for certain rooms.