Research and Data Services

NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan Guidance



In Element 6: Oversight of Data Management and Sharing, you need to describe how compliance with the plan will be monitored and managed, the frequency of oversight, and by whom at your institution (e.g., titles, roles). Below is text you can use in your plan (Writing tip: do not include hypertext (e.g., hyperlinks and URLs) in the DMS Plan attachment. The hyperlink policy applies to DMS Plans as well, and NIH may withdraw your application from consideration if you include them.)

Suggested Text (UVA Office of Sponsored Programs/VPR):

[Insert Name/Role] will be responsible for monitoring compliance with the data management (e.g., data capture, documentation, quality review, storage and backup) aspects of the approved DMS plan at least [Insert Frequency] and, when appropriate, proposing revisions. Research administration/compliance staff will conduct compliance reviews following procedures established by the Office of the Vice President for Research prior to submission of an RPPR.

Explanation of Above Text

[Insert Name/Role] This should be the PI or a member of the study team designated by the PI (e.g., data scientist or other “investigator”, as defined in University policy RES-011). Note that investigators may request funds toward data management and sharing in the budget and budget justification sections of their applications.

 [Insert Frequency] The specified frequency should be determined based on the study plan/timeline but should be at least annually, i.e., in conjunction with preparation of the RPPR.

Plan Revisions

Prior approval of the NIH ICO is required for any revision to an approved DMS plan. Requests to modify an approved DMS plan must be routed to the Authorized Submitting Office via ResearchUVA Powered By Huron for submission to the sponsor.


NIH issued the Data Management and Sharing (DMS) policy (effective January 25, 2023) to promote the sharing of scientific data. Read more at, but in short, under the DMS policy, NIH expects that investigators and institutions:

  • Plan and budget for the managing and sharing of data
  • Submit a DMS plan for review when applying for funding
  • Comply with the approved DMS plan

For a good overview of what data management and sharing entails, see Sharing Data: The Basics from NCI/NIH.

To have a librarian review your DMS plan, please complete this request form.

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