This page will help you find search tools and library resources to aid in patient care or research. Hover over the blue links to learn more about each resource. Need help getting started?
Use these tools to answer quick questions and find background info, evidence summaries, updates on hot topics, and more.
Provides point-of-care drug information, including dosing, administration, interactions, toxicology, warnings and precautions, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenomics, and more. Generic or product name searches link to additional information, including AHFS Essentials, AHFS DI, Martindale, Facts and Comparisons A to Z Drugs, as well as information for pediatric and geriatric populations. Also provides links to the UVA Health System Formulary, the Formulary Monograph Service, and Trissel's IV Compatibility.
VisualDx is clinical decision support tool intended to be used by medical practitioners, including primary care practitioners, to assist them in differential diagnosis.
Use these databases to perform literature searches and find articles.
Database covers the professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, and linguistics. Updated monthly.
Provides citations and selected full text for the top nursing and allied health literature available and covers a wide range of topics including nursing, biomedicine, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines.
Broad inter-disciplinary search including medicine, life sciences, social sciences, and more. Searches journal literature and conference proceedings. Also used to determine citation data (e.g. times cited) for journal articles.
Provides point-of-care drug information, including dosing, administration, interactions, toxicology, warnings and precautions, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenomics, and more. Generic or product name searches link to additional information, including AHFS Essentials, AHFS DI, Martindale, Facts and Comparisons A to Z Drugs, as well as information for pediatric and geriatric populations. Also provides links to the UVA Health System Formulary, the Formulary Monograph Service, and Trissel's IV Compatibility.