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School of Nursing Resources

Resources for Nursing Instruction

Linking to subscription library resources? Read this explanation of off Grounds access options to learn more about how the proxy and VPN work.

Subscription resources are only accessible off Grounds if the user is accessing materials via UVA VPN or a link with the UVA proxy embedded in it. Resources listed on the library's site already include embedded proxy links, which prompt users to NetBadge in for authentication. If you aren't sure if your resources still have the proxy link embedded - cutting and pasting from the browser doesn't always bring it along - I'm glad to help. You can also use the proxy generator on the left side of this page to enter a URL from Virgo and generate a proxied link. 

If you're off Grounds, check to see if your links are working and reach out to me (SONLibrarian@virginia.edu) if you encounter any issues. 

Questions about copyright and sharing or using materials? Visit this guide from UVA's Shannon Library

Submit a purchase request to suggest consideration of a resource not already in the library's collections. 

Fill out an interlibrary loan request

Looking to add a tv show, movie, or other video resource to your course in Canvas? You have access to the academic library's video course reserves (scroll down to section with "Video" heading". Learn more about video resources on the academic library's video guide

Multimedia Instructional Resources

Specific instructor resources (such as PowerPoint presentations) are available if you create an account. 

Information Hub – Sigma Repository

Sigma Theta Tau’s Nursing Repository – includes theses, dissertations, DNP projects, faculty-created learning objects, conference presentations, guidelines, and more.

                                                                                  Lexicomp Training Videos

Selected Education Databases

Selected Education Databases

Select from these excellent databases to find the one that indexes the types of journals/articles you need. Many other databases are available through our list of all UVA Databases

Request the assistance of a trained Medical Librarian through the AskUs form.