Eugenics: Three Generations, No Imbeciles Virginia, Eugenics and Buck v. Bell. This online exhibit from 2004 provides a brief history of eugenics, forced sterilization, and the Supreme Court's landmark Buck v. Bell case. Alison White and Ina Hofland, staff members at the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, created this resource with the assistance of Paul Lombardo.
Confronting Legacies: Eugenics at UVA. In 2020, as a part of a series called "Confronting Legacies," Jakob Cansler at WUVA created a 4-minute video summarizing the history of eugenics at the University of Virginia.
Below is a list of books, articles, and presentations related to the history of eugenics and race science at UVA Health. The list is arranged in chronological order.
The respective archives of the University of Virginia value access to the growing collections of materials that document the history of UVA and its wider community. Some of these materials may not be consistent with the positions, norms, and values of the University of Virginia community. These materials are products of their particular time and place and may represent positions, norms, values, and language that patrons may find offensive or disturbing. However, these records reflect the shared attitudes and values of the community from which they were collected and thus constitute an important social record.
Below, is a list of essays and articles written by eugenicists and race scientists associated with the UVA School of Medicine, School of Nursing, and Medical Center. The Claude Moore Health Sciences Library does not in any way endorse abhorrent views and arguments found in these materials. We are sharing these primary sources online for purposes of historical research.
Jordan, H.E. and Kindred, J.E. (1926). A Textbook of Embryology. New York: D. Appleton and Company. : See Chapter 27, "Eugenics".